Master Scholarship Essay Questions

MASTER Essay Worksheet for Career, College, and Scholarship Applications

These are the most common Essay questions.

Answer each of these questions in at least 3 or more unique sentences. We will use these answers to construct the rest of your essay to use for college, career, and scholarships.

  1. Describe the biggest issue you have ever faced in your life?

  2. What is your parent's financial situation? Why do you need the scholarship to go to college or a career program?

  3. Do your parents receive any public assistance: Section 8 rent support, Food Stamps, Government checks to help you all support yourself

  4. Do you have both parents in your home who can help you pay for college/career programs?

  5. If you can’t go to college, what will you do specifically after high school?

  6. What will you use a scholarship for when you are in your college or career program?

  7. What career/major are you interested in and why?

  8. What do you know about your major right now? What do you want to learn more about your major/career interest?

  9. What made you want to pursue a career in that field? Did anything in your life happen that made you want to have that career?

  10. What type of Leadership skills do you have?

  11. Tell me about a time when you had to be a leader?

  12. Tell me about a time when you had to do the right thing when others weren’t doing the right thing.

  13. What are some in-school and/or out-of-school activities, community programs, college prep programs, sports, or anything else that you’ve been involved in?

  14. What has been your favorite class over all your four years of high school? Why did you like that class? What did you learn?

  15. What are your best characteristic qualities? What makes you great?

  16. What have you done for Community Service? What does Community Service mean to you? Why is community service important? How does Community service positively impact your community?

  17. What was the name and mission of an Internship or career organization that you worked for? What did you learn?

  18. What’s the worst thing that has ever happened in your life? What did you learn?

  19. What are you doing now that is helping you to prepare for college?

  20. Tell me about the type of neighborhood you grew up in. How did that neighborhood help to shape who you are today? If you could change 1 thing about that neighborhood, what would it be?

  21. Who is your biggest inspiration or role model? What are some of the characteristic qualities that you like about them? How did they inspire you?

  22. Describe a problem that you think the world faces. What plan would you create to solve this problem?

  23. What do you consider is one of the most important issues our society is currently facing? What can we do as citizens to help resolve this issue?